Social Media Tips

Social Media Tips

What is TikTok?

What is TikTok?

What is Tik Tok? It’s time for the lowdown on the app that’s bigger than Twitter and Snapchat! Haven’t heard of TikTok? If you have a teen in your house, you can bet your bottom dollar that they are fans of the lip-syncing video app. With over 500 million monthly...

11 Clever Ways To Use Twitter Lists

11 Clever Ways To Use Twitter Lists

Do you need Twitter lists? Well, let's see: Is your Twitter feed a bit of a mess? Are relevant business tweets mixed up with special offers from the supermarket and updates on where your 21-year-old niece is going on holidays? Are your news headlines mashed in-between...

6 Super Marketing Tips for Instagram

6 Super Marketing Tips for Instagram

  With over 1 billion account holders, 500 million daily active users and 100 million photos and videos uploaded each day, Instagram has catapulted to the top of the social media pile and has become the platform of choice for users around the world.  With such...

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Great Social Media Campaigns

Great Social Media Campaigns

What makes Social Media campaigns great? Tagging your friends, family or colleagues in a funny or topical post is one thing but does that equate to 'great'? A lot of the time, posts work because marketers take a multi-platform approach to ensure their audience see the...

Why Use Facebook Commerce Manager?

Why Use Facebook Commerce Manager?

Social Media, as an industry, is constantly evolving, and Facebook is no exception. Not only is the platform a great space to connect with friends and family, but it's also a fully-fledged marketing tool for businesses. Facebook Pages, Groups and Ads have enabled...

A Guide to Facebook Domain Verification

A Guide to Facebook Domain Verification

In recent years, Facebook has come under fire for allowing fake accounts and pages to spread false information around the site. This information could be easily manipulated through the editing of links as Facebook users could change the preview image, heading and text...

Employee Advocacy on Social Media

Employee Advocacy on Social Media

There is nothing new about Employee Advocacy in business or marketing and thanks to the practicality and popularity of Social Media it’s now easier than ever. Yet, it’s still not as commonly utilised as you’d expect – most likely due to the speed Social Media grew....

Understanding How Instagram Works

Understanding How Instagram Works

One of the most common phrases related to Marketing is credited to John Wanamaker who famously stated “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half”. Unfortunately, that statement is still true to this day, especially on...

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