May 18, 2021

What Are Instagram Reels?

For those of us working in Marketing, and especially in Social Media, there has been a steady increase in the demand and utilisation of video content. Over the last few years, Social Network algorithms have been known to prioritise video content over those with static creative.
Of course, there is a good reason behind this. Video content is a fantastic tool for sharing a large amount of information in an easy-to-consume manner. However, the Social Media platforms in question have done little to support the creation and editing of videos – until now.
Instagram have recently introduced ‘Reels’, a new way to create and discover short and sweet videos on the app. Reels are designed to give users new ways to express themselves, find more of what they enjoy and help those with an ambition to become a creator.

Just as for years Social Media has been perceived to give everyone a voice, Reels are here to offer creators a forum to develop and share their passion visually. Reels can also be saved to a camera roll to be used outside of Instagram.

Instagram Reels are made up of 15-second video clips, either shot within Instagram or uploaded from a user’s camera roll, with effects and audio, all available within the app. Reels can be shared to a user’s feed but also Explore.

As you would expect with Instagram, there is a gallery complete with effects designed by both Instagram and creators across the world, as well as an audio library of music from all genres available.

Until now, producing and editing video content has either required extensive knowledge and experience or a decent-sized budget to outsource the work.

However, with the introduction of Instagram Reels, we expect to see businesses of all sizes utilising the feature and producing fun and creative content.

Read our blog Understand How Instagram Works 

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