May 5, 2021

Coming Soon: Twitter Professional Profiles 

Twitter must be one of the only platforms that practically has the same functionality today as it did way back in 2006 when the site was first launched. Of course, since then, we’ve seen the evolution of hashtags, an increased character limit and subtle updates such as in-platform scheduling, Topics and Fleets.

Nonetheless, Twitter has often felt behind the times when it comes to supporting businesses. Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram all facilitate ‘Professional’ accounts of some sort and allow businesses to share helpful information with their followers. Still, Twitter has always remained the same for both companies and personal users. Until now.

The Twitter Business account has teased an update with a preview of their ‘Professional Profiles’. As explained by Twitter themselves over a series of tweets, Professional Profiles are being trailed with a small pool of businesses in America.

Professional Profiles will allow businesses, non-profits, publishers and creators additional space to display information about their business on their Twitter profile.

The update is designed to help businesses (or anyone using Twitter for ‘work’) make it easier than ever for their customers to find out critical information such as their location and how to contact the company. The current Twitter Bio is limited to just 160 characters for everyone, so any additional space for brands will be greatly appreciated.

As we’ve seen before, when they release a new product, Twitter is encouraging their audience to share what features they’d like to see available for Professional Profiles. However, the big question we’re all thinking about is what this does to the Twitter algorithm?

Will those who convert to Professional Profiles risk their content being deemed ‘less relevant’ than personal accounts, who are more likely to be a user’s friend or family? Perhaps this is a way of pushing Twitter Ads and driving the ‘pay to play’ philosophy Facebook has adopted.

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